Beginners Wheel Throwing With Tania Paradkar Monday or Tuesday Evenings

Join our Beginners Wheel Throwing course.

This hands-on 8 week course will give you an overview of the possibilities of throwing clay on the pottery wheel to make small vessels. It will cover all the basic skills needed for wheel throwing, trimming, glazing and preparation for firing.

Designed for people with little or no prior experience as well as intermediate potters who want to learn more.

Over eight weeks, Tania will guide you through the following:

- the properties of clay and how to prepare and store your clay

- steps of wheel-throwing, centring clay on the wheel, creating vessels on the wheel, trimming the bases of your vessels

- surface treatments for your vessels

- adding handles and sprigs (decoration) to your vessels

- an overview of drying and firing processes

- glazing of your vessels

-- an overview of firing methods and the opportunity to have your pots fired in oxidation or reduction firings at The Kiln Room.

By the end of the eight weeks, you can expect to have approximately eight to twelve small to medium sized vessels. This will be fired ready for collection two to three weeks after the last class.

Cost $525 *firing is an additional cost as per The Kiln Room pricing

Beginners Hand Building with Mika Holding Thursday Evenings

Join our Beginners Hand Building course.

This hands-on 8 week course will give you an overview of forming clay by hand, joining, carving and refining, glazing and preparation for firing.

Designed for people with little or no prior experience as well as intermediate potters who want to learn more.

Over eight weeks, Mika will guide you through making small to medium sized creations including the following processes:

- the properties of clay and how to prepare and store your clay

- pinching clay, constructing with coils, building with slabs and joining clay

- surface treatments for your vessels

- adding handles and sprigs (decoration) to your vessels

- an overview of drying and firing processes

- glazing of your pieces

- an overview of firing methods and the opportunity to have your pots fired in oxidation or reduction firings at The Kiln Room.

By the end of the eight weeks, you can expect to have approximately eight to twelve small to medium sized vessels. They will be fired ready for collection two to three weeks after the last class.

Cost $525 *firing is an additional cost as per The Kiln Room pricing

Hand Building - Beyond the Basics with Jack Lätti Monday Mornings and Tuesday Evenings

Join our Intermediate Hand Building Course - Beyond the Basics.

In this hands-on 8 week course Jack will guide you through many different ‘out of the box’ approaches to making with clay, testing materials, and developing your own style of making.

Designed for intermediate potters who want to learn more.

In the first 4 weeks of the 8 week course studnets will focus on skill development and testing different clay bodies. You will be guided through unique hand building exercises which will help tighten your skills, but also encourage you to open your mind to new ideas for you to investigate. You can expect to cover;

- investigating a variety of clay bodies

- alternative takes on standard hand building techniques

- surface treatments for your vessels

- glazing of your pieces

For the remaining 4 weeks of the 8-week course, students will work on outcome-based making. This means that each student will decide what object they would like to make and which of the making techniques, clay bodies, and glaze/firing finishes will suit the piece. The results from the first 4 weeks will inform how each student decides to approach this. Jack will help extract and execute the ideas that each student dreams up.By the end of the course, you'll have honed your skill set and also have a collection of original ceramics that reflect you as a maker.

Cost $625 *firing is an additional cost as per The Kiln Room pricing

Wheel Throwing - Beyond the Basics with Philippa Taylor Wednesday Evenings

Join our Intermediate 8 week Wheel Throwing Course - Beyond the Basics.

Your experienced tutor Philippa Taylor, will help you to investigate your throwing techniques, tweak and build on them to gain more control when throwing clay on the pottery wheel.

In this eight-week course, the first 4 weeks will focus on skill development and experimenting with different clay bodies. You will be guided through wheel-throwing exercises that will help tighten your skills but also give you the opportunity to open your mind to new ideas for you to investigate. Some of these include;

- throwing repetition in particular cylinders

- increasing the weight of clay you can control on the wheel

- throwing different types of clays on the wheel

- surface treatments for your vessels

- glazing of your pieces

For the remaining 4 weeks of the 8-week course, students will work on outcome-based making. This means that each student will decide which objects they want to make. Philippa will help extract and execute the ideas that each student dreams up.

In this course, you can make anything from tableware to sculpture. You'll be amazed at what you can achieve by building on the basic skills that you already have. With a variety of clay bodies, glazes, and firing methods available, you'll feel inspired to unleash your creativity and see your ideas come to life.

By the end of the course, you'll have honed your skill set and also have a collection of original ceramics that reflect you as a maker.

Cost $625 *Firing is an adititional cost as per The Kiln Room pricing