The Kiln Room will be closed on Monday 31st March and Thursday 3rd April - please plan ahead!
general firing $13 per kilo per firing (plus GST)
reduction firing $20 per kilo (plus GST)
once firing $20 per kilo (special request only) (plus GST)
minimum charge $13/$20 (plus GST)
Turnaround for each firing is usually about a week or less. This is dependent on type of firing, size and quantity of work and kiln demand.
price (please note all prices are plus GST)
Firing is $13 per kilo per firing (plus GST) - for bisque, earthenware, midfire, stoneware oxidation, lustre and decal. Reduction firing and once firing is $20 per kilo (plus GST). Once firing should be discussed with us and is not available for all work. Saggar firing prices are on enquiry.
Minimum payment $13/$20 (plus GST) depending on type of firing.
Work is weighed after firing. Payment on receipt of invoice.
Payment of $50 (plus GST) for each kiln shelf damaged by running glazes.
Price includes unpacking and repacking, loading and unloading the kiln by an experienced technician, materials, equipment, programming, monitoring, electricity and gas.
Large items may require discussion about firing costs as they exclude other smaller items filling the firing. Likewise beads etc. may incur an extra cost for the work required in loading.
kiln setters
Kiln setters are pads of clay (made of a white stoneware clay and slightly bigger than the base of the work) which protect the kiln shelf from glaze runs and contamination. Kiln setters will be required if your work has…
a runny glaze on it,
black or blue underglaze/oxide covering the base,
cobalt pencil or oxide as your makers mark,
been made from iron rich clay like Buff Raku Trachyte (BRT), Scarva Earthstone, Feeneys Hand Building Clay (FHB) etc.